The Vision Unleashed


Wealth is not measured in dollars, but in gratitude.  Think on that for a moment.

As I reflect on my year, I have become very aware of all that I have to be grateful for.  In spite of the challenges I've faced, I am now making a living producing beautiful images with the power to heal and improve lives.

In the coming year, I will be publishing many of these images, with just a little back-story, right here on my blog.  If you are inspired by my work, please consider supporting me in the work I am doing to bring stress-relieving and inspiring imagery into hospitals, clinics, and other places of healing.  You can learn about this work and add your support on my new Patreon page.

Thank you - and please take a moment to share this post with a friend or family member who may find a smile in the awesome majesty of the Grand Canyon.